We can count on the ceramic magnets to work day after day without giving in to the aging and wear-and-tear natural processes that do affect others.
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The truth about Israel
Like the sand through the hour glass… Israel as a country was established 62 years ago. Israel as a land, as a home for the Jewish people is alive and kicking for thousands and thousands of years. In fact, amidst all three major religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – Judaism has the earliest documented… Continue reading The truth about Israel
Communication Systems
Once upon a time when there were no “Systems” for communication people only used very simple ways to communicate. Usually, using verbal and signs only.
Neodymium Magnets and Medicine
Therapy using Neodymium Magnets Using magnets for therapy is considered a very safe and non-invasive method. This approach uses magnetic fields (Neodymium Magnets included) on the body for healing purposes. It quickens the body’s natural healing and gives the body natural pain relief without any side affects. Using magnets medically is not new to the… Continue reading Neodymium Magnets and Medicine
SatCom systems on earth and in the sky
Different satellite communication systems and earth stations All the satellite communication system stations on earth are the ground segments of these complex communication systems. The signals are sent to the ground stations and then, the most common next step is a connection between the stations and the end-user’s terminal using a terrestrial network. Interestingly, there… Continue reading SatCom systems on earth and in the sky